The first RSMYC Muster of the season was held at Rhu Marina Over the weekend of the 4th, 5th and 6th of May attended by 14 boats and 33 people.

Commodore John White kicked off the hospitality on Friday afternoon.

All present then gathered at 7pm for taxis into Helensburgh

A fine curry night was enjoyed by all at the the Masala Twist, followed by inter boat hospitality back at the Marina.

Saturday afternoon started with a fine spread of snacks and cakes before a music quiz and a cocktail tasting competition.

Stan ready with sneaky tactics for the quiz.

Saturday night had the barbecues going with Jamie showing us how its done.

Paragon then played host for all comers as the temperature dropped in the tent.

Sunday morning was a glorious day with breakfast being cooked up by Jamie and David.

Thanks to the staff of Rhu Marina for hosting us.